
2022 Institute on ePortfolios

Sharing Best Practices for Collecting and Reflecting on Student Work

January 21, 2022

Kick-off - Virtual

Year-Long Institute Model

In January 2022, AAC&U, in collaboration with AAEEBL and NASPA, will again lead the Institute on ePortfolios utilizing a year-of-engagement model. The Institute on ePortfolios provides a year-long opportunity for campus and/or state system teams seeking to actualize an ambitious strategy to broaden student engagement with ePortfolios. The new model directly engages the ePortfolio Institute teams throughout the 2022 calendar year via in-person and virtual interactions as participants’ ePortfolio implementation plans are developed and then put into practice.

Institute Design

Designed for those seeking to instantiate ePortfolios beyond a single course or major, this institute will help teams of faculty, staff, and administrators design and implement ePortfolio processes and technologies in large scale adoptions. Campuses and/or systems considering ePortfolios for general education or program-wide purposes, or to capture the full range of the undergraduate student experience, would be among those ideally suited for this institute. This institute also represents an opportunity for a campus to develop formal collaborations between academic and student affairs in the service of student learning and success.

Utilizing the ePortfolio Implementation Framework (Penny Light et al., 2012), participating teams will design their own implementation plan for bridging curricular and/or co-curricular learning with ePortfolios. Institute faculty will serve as partners for campus plan development. Campus teams can expect consultative opportunities to interact with Institute faculty virtually throughout the Spring and Fall terms as their plan progresses and is implemented. In July 2022, AAEEBL's Annual Meeting will provide an opportunity for ePortfolio Institute teams to reconvene face-to-face with select Institute faculty to examine implementation progress and challenges. AAC&U's 2023 Forum on Open Learning and ePortfolios in January of that year will be located in Washington, DC and will host closing activities and events for the Institute.

Who Should Attend?

The Institute on ePortfolios is designed for any campus, system, or consortium engaged in redesigning learning for students using ePortfolios. Attendees can be at any stage in the process of thinking through ePortfolio approaches and issues emerging from their respective needs and circumstances. Teams should be comprised of a diverse set of colleagues and may include a senior academic officer, faculty members, learning technologies professionals, and/or student affairs leaders. Your team may also include assessment and curriculum specialists and others with logical and active roles in advancing ePortfolios, student learning, and student success on campus. Although not restricted, a typical team size is five individuals.