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2021 Institute on Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) Campus Centers

Expanding TRHT Campus Centers to Dismantle Racial Hierarchies and Build Equitable Communities

Virtual Learning Experience

A Note Regarding COVID-19

Based on public health projections and the prevailing travel restrictions for higher education institutions, we have decided to conduct the TRHT Institute virtually.

About the Institute

Among the most urgent challenges facing America today is the growing division across racial and ethnic identities. Increasing aversion to difference and rising distrust among communities nationally have left colleges and universities with the challenge of how to heal from the legacies and harm of racism and bias. The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) is partnering with higher education institutions to develop TRHT Campus Centers to prepare the next generation of strategic leaders and critical thinkers to promote racial healing and to catalyze efforts to address current inequities grounded in notions of a racial hierarchy. As a national, community-based initiative, the TRHT effort launched by the W.K. Kellogg Foundation seeks to address the historical and contemporary impacts of race and racism within our communities. Each TRHT Campus Center prioritizes expansive, community-based healing activities that seek to change collective community narratives and broaden the understanding of our diverse experiences.

At the Institute, campus teams interested in hosting a TRHT Campus Center, or are currently serving as a host institution will identify evidence-based strategies that support their stated vision of what their communities will look, feel, and be like when the belief in the hierarchy of human value no longer exists. Teams will participate in and design Racial Healing Circles. In addition, teams will participate in workshops, and collaborate with experienced TRHT Campus Center mentors, workshop facilitators, and evaluation consultants to develop and/or refine their transformative campus action plans. The action plans will include strategic goals that align with each TRHT Campus Center’s vision and the existing TRHT framework, and steps to achieve the goals. The action plans also will include a list of intended outcomes, evaluation strategies, communication, stakeholder engagement, and sustainability plans.

Campus Team Outcomes

  • Develop a comprehensive action plan to achieve TRHT goals
  • Design and facilitate Racial Healing Circles
  • Become a part of the growing, national TRHT Campus Centers network
  • Become eligible to host a TRHT Campus Center

Who Should Apply?

All regionally accredited two- and four-year institution campus teams interested in learning more about the Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (TRHT) framework, or that have an interest in hosting a TRHT Campus Center at their institution are invited to apply. Institutional priorities and goals for advancing social justice and equitable communities should align strategically with the TRHT effort. The Institute also is designed to support the continuing work of existing TRHT Campus Centers.

To learn more about the Truth, Racial Healing, & Transformation Campus Centers, visit https://www.aacu.org/trht-campus-centers.

For additional information on the Institute on TRHT Campus Centers, send inquiries to Lucie Bonneville at [email protected].

Rx Racial Healing® Circles

What are Rx Racial Healing® Circles?


As the centerpiece of the TRHT Framework, Rx Racial Healing® Circles, are meant to ground the various elements of the TRHT methodology in a compassionate and expansive forum for sharing personal truth to help begin the process of transforming hearts and minds. The Rx Racial Healing® Circle methodology stresses active listening, being open to the perspectives and experiences of others, and is based on “building a national organizational network and activating local action to promote racial healing and racial equity.” 1

Rx Racial Healing® Circles are co-facilitated by two experienced racial healing practitioners. Circles begin with an introductory exercise and are followed by a deep discussion prompt in which participants share stories in response to the prompt within an assigned dyad pair. Following the deep discussion prompt, the circle reconvenes, and participants are invited to share their stories with the whole group. The composition of circles and dyad pairs are planned in advance, to be as diverse as possible, including racial, age, gender, and geographic diversity for maximum healing.

After participating in an Rx Racial Healing® Circle co-facilitated by experienced practitioners, Institute participants will review the core elements of the racial healing process and gain experience designing and co-facilitating a simulated Rx Racial Healing® Circle.

1 Dr. Gail Christopher at July 18, 2018 Helsinki Commission Briefing.