2021 Conference on Global Learning

Call for Proposals

The deadline to submit proposals was Monday, May 24, 2021. We are no longer accepting proposal submissions.

Developing and Submitting a Proposal

Proposals should be submitted using the online proposal form. The form asks for the following information:

  • The name, professional title, institution, and email address of each presenter
  • The conference theme addressed by your proposed session
  • The format of your proposed session
  • A session abstract to describe the content and significance of your proposed session and how it relates to the conference theme (200-word limit)
  • Anticipated participant learning outcomes (100-word limit)
  • Background and evidence of the effectiveness of the work to be presented (250-word limit)
  • A plan for participant engagement (250-word limit; not required for poster or pecha kucha formats)
  • The title of your proposed session (10-word limit)
  • A brief (75–100 word) session description for use in the conference program that summarizes the information requested above and highlights what is distinctive and transferrable about the work to be presented

Conference Themes

  • How is global learning aligned with institutional diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives? What strategies have you used to ensure your global learning courses, programs, and/or experiences are diverse, equitable, and inclusive? How has your course, program, and/or institution centered equity in global learning? How are diversity, equity, and inclusion efforts similar and/or different in institutions outside the United States? What have you learned from other countries’ efforts? How are incoming and outgoing students prepared for these differences? How have you discussed racial inequities with international students and/or international partners?

  • What types of global learning experiences, practices, and/or assignments contribute to student preparation for careers? How have you collaborated with employers to communicate the value of global learning to students, staff, faculty, and members of the broader community? How have professional schools and programs embedded global learning into student curricular and cocurricular experiences and made connections to accreditation? What strategies and models are you using to prepare students for new COVID-19 workplace realities?

  • How are you building ethical, reciprocal partnerships between institutions and community partners? What strategies have you used to address civic-mindedness and community-building or to deepen understanding and increase civil communication at your institution and in the broader community? How are students leading and participating in efforts to address global challenges in their local contexts in collaboration with policymakers, community members, corporate partners, and/or nonprofit organizations? How are institutions decolonizing and indigenizing the curriculum in partnership with community partners and/or in response to troubling past practices?

  • How have you leveraged technology and digital pedagogies to expand global learning for more of your students? How has technology enabled students, staff, and faculty to have more connections with international partners? What strategies have you used to expand global learning across disciplines by utilizing digital pedagogies? How have you prepared students, faculty, and staff for digital engagement in the international context? How will technology enhance education away and other place-based global learning practices?

  • How has global learning been integrated into curricular initiatives across general education and/or the majors to ensure all students have access? What are some promising pedagogical practices for global learning across disciplines? How has your institution provided opportunities for a variety of global learning experiences for a variety of students and prepared educators to offer these experiences? How are you assessing global learning for all students?

    1. How are you ensuring global learning is a high-impact practice for your students? How have you integrated multiple high-impact practices into experiences for students (community-based global learning, undergraduate research in global contexts, etc.)? How are you institutionalizing global learning and other high-impact practices to ensure all students have access to these practices?

Session Formats

  • Dialogues for Learning provide time for colleagues to examine topics through the iterative sharing of expertise and experiences. They provide an opportunity to work through issues, ideas, and challenges from multiple perspectives, engage in problem solving, and explore new ideas.
    (60 minutes; 1–4 presenters)

  • Innovation/Ideation Sessions (60 minutes) feature innovative practices that have emerged as global learning has been reframed in response to the disruption of the global pandemic and/or institutional efforts to make higher education practices more equitable. Each session consists of multiple presentations of equal length, with time for questions and feedback. The presentations run back-to-back.
    (15 minutes and 1–2 presenters per presentation)

  • Pecha Kucha (“Chit Chat” in Japanese) Sessions combine visual and oral presentations to convey a creative endeavor, research finding, or other interesting activity related to a particular conference theme. A Pecha Kucha presentation, which consists of 20 slides running for 20 seconds each, is carefully orchestrated to articulate key elements featured in the slides. Three Pecha Kucha presentations will be combined with 30 minutes of discussion time to create one 60-minute session.
    (7 minutes and 1 presenter per presentation)

  • Poster Presentations are organized around visual displays of research, models, and materials. A poster session provides an opportunity for presenters to talk with attendees about how to apply findings to their own work.
    (60 minutes; 1–4 presenters)

  • Pre-conference Strategy Sessions are designed to guide participants as they develop plans of action for significant work at the level of the course, program, or institution. Presenters should provide resources and templates to help participants structure their planning. There will be opportunities for discussion and feedback. These sessions will be held as preconference workshops held on Date/Time TBD.
    (2 hours; 1–4 presenters)

  • Workshops provide an interactive environment for conference attendees to bridge theory and practice and to deeply examine, explore, and/or experience relevant theories and implementation strategies in the context of real-world issues.
    (75 minutes; 1–4 presenters)

Proposal Review Criteria

AAC&U strives to offer balanced, informative, and thought-provoking conferences focused on practical and theoretical approaches to global learning at the course, departmental, and institutional levels from across a broad spectrum of higher education contexts.

The proposal selection committee will include experienced academic professionals with a range of backgrounds, areas of expertise, and roles. Considerations will be made to ensure sessions address the scope of topics within the conference themes. The following elements serve as proposal selection criteria:

  • Relevance and significance to conference themes
  • Potential for practical, tangible, and transformative takeaways for conference participants
  • Plans for involving participants in reflection, discussion, exercises, and other activities that will help them understand and apply the material; plans should be appropriate to session format
  • Inclusion of diverse perspectives, innovations, disciplines, and strategies for change; voices and perspectives of students, faculty, and/or staff at all levels are encouraged

Proposals that promote products or services available for purchase will not be considered through the call for proposals. Information related to AAC&U Sponsorships can be found here. ​ ​

Additional Information and Requirements

The deadline to submit proposals was Monday, May 24, 2021. We are no longer accepting proposal submissions.

Upon submission of a proposal, the primary session contact should receive an automatic message confirming receipt. If the contact does not receive this message (and it is not in their spam/junk folder), please email [email protected]. The primary contact is responsible for sharing presenter-related communications with all co-presenters.

Expenses and Fees
All session presenters are responsible for conference registration fees.
Presentations will take place between the morning of Thursday, October 7, and midday on Saturday, October 9. Please ensure that all individuals listed in the proposal have this information and will be available at the appropriate time during the conference.

The primary session contact will receive an email message indicating the decision on the proposal on or around the week of July 12. Please be sure to check your spam or junk folder as well.

AAC&U Meeting Sponsorships
AAC&U provides opportunities for sponsors to showcase their products and services and to engage with attendees during the conference. For more information, please visit the sponsorship page or contact us at 202-888-3859 or [email protected].
Proposals for conference sessions or presentations that promote products or services available for purchase will not be considered through the review process outlined above.

If you have questions or need additional information, please email [email protected].